Understanding optic neuritis: role of functional tests and OCT

This is the webinar of Prof Letizia Leocani, currently Associate Professor of Neurology at Vita-Salute University of Milan, and a Group Leader of the Experimental Neurophysiology Unit and of MAGICS- IntraCerebralStimulation Center at INSPE-Institute of Experimental Neurology of OSR. Her main focus is on the development and validation of neurophysiological and OCT markers of assessment and monitoring of central nervous system diseases.

Now Playing: Understanding optic neuritis: role of functional tests and OCT

Letizia Leocani - Aug 28, 2018

Detailed agenda:

  • Introduction - welcome to Milan
  • Short lecture: Dr Simone Guerrieri: update on "Optic neuritis" .
  • Key note lecture: Prof Letiza Leocani: "Understanding optic neuritis: role of functional tests and OCT".
  • Overview upcoming webinars and conferences by the European Charcot Foundation
  • Close

Questions welcome at charcot@seauton-international.com