Prognosis in MS

Gavin Giovannoni was appointed to the Chair of Neurology, Blizard Institute, Barts and The London School of Medicine and Dentistry, Queen Mary University London and the Department of Neurology, Barts Health NHS Trust in November 2006. In September 2008 he took over as the Neuroscience Centre Lead in the Blizard Institute.

In this webinar Prof Giovannoni addresses the topic Prognosis in MS and How to communicate it to people with MS, his colleague Alison Thomson talks about PPI and Saùl Reyes about Social Capital in MS.

Do you have additional questions? Don't hesitate to ask us further explanation - on all three lectures - in the box next to the webinar!

Now Playing: Prognosis in MS

Gavin Giovannoni - Sep 10, 2018

Detailed agenda: