Poster Viewing Sessions

Four poster viewing sessions are organized during the 30th Annual Meeting.

Thursday, 17 November 2022

12:15 - 13:30Poster Viewing Session I - Basic Studies part 1
Prof. Hans Lassmann, Hans-Peter Hartung, Catherine Lubetzki
17:15 - 18:15Poster viewing II - Clinical + Treatment
Prof Per Soelberg Sørensen, Letizia Leocani, Gilles Edan

Friday, 18 November 2022

10:00 - 10:30Poster Viewing Session III - Epidemiology + Investigations
Maria Trojano, Xavier Montalban, Prof Dr Gavin Giovannoni
13:00 - 14:00
Poster viewing IV - Basic Studies part 2
Prof Dr Jacqueline Palace, Ariel Miller, Prof Dr Kazuo Fujihara

During those sessions, our Young Investigators will present their posters to the jury onsite. E-posters will be also available for consultation on the live-streaming platform and on the ECF website.

The winners of the 5 Young Investigators Awards (one Award per category) will be announced on Friday, 18 November 2022 from 17:20 - 17:30.

The winners will also present their posters during the Young Investigators Awards presentations which will be held on Saturday, 19 November 2022 from 10:30 - 11:00.

Title Location
12:15 - 13:30
Poster Viewing Session I (Basic Studies Part. 1)
Prof. Dr Hans Lassmann Prof. Dr Hans-Peter Hartung Prof. Dr Catherine Lubetzki
-- ID 5: NAWM in MS: loss of oligodendrocytes and lesion depended microglia activation
Ms Wiebke Kessler
-- ID 6: A human system studying myelin phagocytosing and its effect on oligodendrocytes
Ms Laura Eleonora Schmitz-Gielsdorf
-- ID 7: Human iPSC-derived oligodendrocytes and organoids to identify promyelinating drugs
Ms Farina Windener
-- ID 16: Model for Microglial-axon contacts at the Node of Ranvier in Multiple Sclerosis
Dr João Marcos Brandet
-- ID 20: Clustering Multiple Sclerosis Lesions by Spatial, Geometric and Textural Domains
Mr Bastien Caba
-- ID 22: Vessel-associated extracellular matrix proteins modulate MS pathology
Dr Marco Pisa
-- ID 28: Multiple Sclerosis Multidisciplinary Care: A National Survey
MS Liesbeth Van HIjfte
-- ID 35: A Deep Learning Algorithm for Multi-Modal Multiple Sclerosis Lesion Segmentation
Mr Bastien Caba
-- ID 40: Lesion Classification in Multiple Sclerosis Using Texture-Derived Super-Voxels
Mr Quentin Spinat
-- ID 29: Switch to oral cladribine from first line DMD in MS: Interim Analysis of CLADCROSS
Dr Nicolaos Grigoriadis
-- ID 39: The role of B cell-derived IL-10 in regulation of chronic CNS inflammation
Dr Darius Häusler
17:15 - 18:15
Poster Viewing Session II (Clinical + Treatment)
Prof. Dr Per Soelberg Sørensen Prof. Dr Letizia Leocani Prof. Dr Gilles Edan
-- ID 19: Evobrutinib acts on microglia: therapeutic implication in progression of MS?
Dr Anastasia Geladaris
-- ID 33: Cladribine treatment in multiple sclerosis patients in Poland during COVID-19.
Dr Aleksandra Pogoda-Wesołowska
-- ID 38: The relation between SDMT, fatigue, depression and anxiety in a Belgian MS cohort
Dr Serena Borrelli
-- ID 42: The efficacy of Natalizumab in Pediatric-Onset Multiple Sclerosis patients
Dr Marta Gaggiola
-- ID 43: Alemtuzumab following natalizumab in pediatric- and adult-onset multiple sclerosis
Dr Marta Gaggiola
-- ID 44: Quantifying MS Disability: From EDSS to Walking Bouts as possible new Biomarkers
Mr Thorben Beyer
-- ID 54: Transcranial direct current stimulation applied in EAE mouse model
Dr Silvia Marenna
-- ID 62: Neurophysiological predictors of response to neurorehabilitation plus rTMS in MS
Mr Michelangelo Dini
-- ID 12: Tolebrutinib Two-Year Safety and Efficacy in Relapsing Multiple Sclerosis Patients
Dr Robert Fox
-- ID 13: CNM-Au8 Phase 2 VISIONARY-MS Phase II Clinical Trial Results
Dr Robert Glanzman
-- ID 14: Tolebrutinib Two-Year MRI Outcomes in Patients with Relapsing Multiple Sclerosis
Prof Dr Daniel Reich
-- ID 15: Correlation between clinical and biomarker data in ATA188-treated progressive MS
Dr Jonathan Willmer
-- ID 23: Physicians’ reason for DMT choice and unmet need in US patients with nonactive PPMS
Dr Jonathan Willmer
Ms Daniela Taranu
-- ID 27: Evaluation of patient-reported outcomes: CLAWIR study 6-month interim analysis
Dr Joachim Richter
-- ID 32: A consensus for the Immune reconstitution therapy in Relapsing Multiple Sclerosis
Prof. Dr Patrick Vermersch
-- ID 34: Early MRI parameters associated with long-term outcomes in ozanimod MS studies
Dr Diego Silva
-- ID 36: Cognitive Processing Speed at First Relapse in MS: Ozanimod vs Interferon β-1a
Dr Diego Silva
-- ID 49: Best supportive care for PPMS prior to ocrelizumab: RETRO PPMS final results
Dr Tanja Meier
-- ID 50: MoOzaRt: Impact of ocrelizumab on patient-reported fatigue in RMS patients
Mr Walter Siegenthaler
-- ID 60: Real-world data from MSBase Registry in MOG Antibody Associated Disease.
Dr Barbara Willekens
-- ID 64: Real-world ocrelizumab treatment in patients with PPMS – a CONFIDENCE interim data
Prof Dr Martin Weber
-- ID 65: Measuring outcomes in MS studies: Tracing the pervasive implications of PIRA
Prof Dr Jeremy Hobart
Title Location
10:00 - 10:30
Poster Viewing Session III (Epidemiology + Investigations)
Prof. Dr Maria Trojano Prof. Dr Xavier Montalban Prof. Dr Gavin Giovannoni
-- ID 8: High socioeconomic impact on prescription behavior of on-label DMT in MS
Dr Sara Samadwadeh
-- ID 17: Could the absence of risk factors delay the diagnosis of MS?.Mexican cohort
Dr Daniela Alexia Leon Castillo
-- ID 18: Could be related the RFNL thinning as a predictive for multiple sclerosis severity?
Dr Daniela Alexia Leon Castillo
-- ID 26: Longitudinal fixel-based white matter damage predicts cognitive decline in MS
Dr Ismail Koubiyr
-- ID 45: Genetic study on iron metabolism genes implicates HIF1A in MS progression
Dr Antonino Giordano
-- ID 51: Intrathecal Opsonins and Spinal Cord Axonal Loss in Multiple Sclerosis
Mr Alex Waldman
-- ID 52: Socioeconomic status and access to DMT in multiple sclerosis Colombian patients
Dr Adriana Casallas-Vanegas
-- ID 3: Digital biomarkers are associated with regional brain atrophy in RIS
Dr Mikael Cohen
-- ID 4: Bedside digital videooculography as a biomarker of neurodegenerescence in MS
Dr Mikael Cohen
-- ID 24: Alternative spliced genes in peripheral blood mononuclear cells of MS patients
Mrs Isabel Brichette Mieg
-- ID 30: Combining mfVEP and VBM-OCT to Monitor Inflammation and Neurodegeneration in PMS
Dr Su-Chun Huang
-- ID 31: Remibrutinib exhibits improved target selectivity and potency in vitro
Dr Marina Ziehn
13:00 - 14:00
Poster Viewing Session IV (Basic Studies Part 2)
Prof. Dr Jacqueline Palace Ariel Miller Prof. Dr Kazuo Fujihara
-- ID 46: A potential protective role of Nurr1 in multiple sclerosis motor cortex
Dr Jonathan Pansieri
-- ID 47: Transcortical Inflammation and Expanding Cortical Demyelination in Progressive MS
Ms Betul Okutan
-- ID 48: IgG & IgM changes in PPMS vs RRMS patients during long-term CD20 depleting therapy
Ms Himali Bergeron - Vitez
-- ID 53: DMF transcriptional signature in PBMCs of MS patients and clinical association
Ms Alicia Sánchez Sanz
-- ID 55: Determining immunoglobulin G subclass profiles of tertiary lymphoid structures
Dr Rachael Kee
-- ID 56: The role of 5-HT2BR in the modulation of macrophages-induced Th17-immunity in MS
Dr Mikhail Melnikov
-- ID 57: Breakthrough SARS-CoV-2 infection after 3rd mRNA vaccination in a-CD20 MS patients
Dr Frederik Novak Stenstad
-- ID 58: Spatial transcriptomics of compartmentalised inflammation in Multiple Sclerosis
Dr Michelle Naughton
-- ID 61: Visual and motor function in experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis
61 Rossi Elena
-- ID 21: Age-related grey matter demyelination and neurodegeneration in a mouse model of MS
Dr Valeria Ramaglia
-- ID 59: Siponimod treatment of chronic EAE induces an altered microglial phenotype
Dr Leila Husseini
-- ID 63: Transcorneal retinal neuromodulation: preclinical proof of concept
Dr Valerio Castoldi
17:20 - 17:30
Announcement of the Young Investigator Awards winners
Title Location
10:30 - 11:00
Young Investigator Awards